Grrrrr!!!! This just in.. Nathan's job finally officially posted so he can now officially go through the interview process.. even though he already has the job. That brings us one step closer to the confirmation of this unofficial position. I wish I was better at keeping secrets.. then the rest of you guys would not have to watch this agonizing process... alas I am not a good secret keeper when it comes to my own life drama.. it leaks into all aspects and thus would have come out anyway. No worries.. it will happen. It just takes patience and time to grow that patience into full maturity. Sarasota isn't going anywhere.
So our Memorial Day Weekend was just fab. We spent most of it with Judy, Don, Riley, Taylor, Tagg, Elsie, MaryAnn, Jay and Lisa (wshoo!) Sorry if I misspelled anyones name there guys. YO! It was family weekend in a massive way!!! Totally fun totally crazy as only a weekend of tourism in New York can be. By Saturday evening I saw that all too familiar look of zoned out indifference in the eyes of the younglings. No matter.. we had a sweet time hanging out with everyone. We even got to bring Elsie back to our place for lunch, napping, and walk through Park Slope and finally dinner at Rose Water (a cute restaurant I have been wanting to check out). Its always interesting to me the way New York can kill you or make you feel like you just stepped out of a spa treatment, depending on the way you approach it. It takes a lot of practice (in my book) to come out the other end feeling relaxed. I don't know how they felt when they actually got on the plane on Saturday but I would say the Wilber Family did a pretty good job of keeping it low key and going with the flow. Well done. I hope you guys had as much fun as well did.
See below for my latest Ebay purchase. It is a Jadite Chenille blanket/bedspread from the 50s or whatever. It is perfect and I can't wait to air it out and use it on the bed. I love these spreads in the summer time and frankly I could become addicted to collecting them. I feel that contemporary design could learn a lot (the good designers already do) from the 20-60s era. That's not true.. I don't want them to learn from it.. they knock it off in Targets everywhere.. I just want to recreate those 40 years in my own home. I love everything from the Bakelite to the the wall clocks. Whatever.. I like vintage.. who doesn't ? Right? Rephrase.. who reading this blog doesn't ? Right. That's what I thought. If you guys ever want to get me the perfect birthday present.. just Ebay me some Chenille pillows or a milk glass sugar creamer or a really retro salt and pepper set. Spend $4 and make me the happiest girl in town. Just puttin' it out there.
Anyway all this waiting is making me anxious of course. I just want to nail down our next living spot.. but can't. So I keep talking to people who have homes available (one awesome lady in particular) hoping that when they are ready to have us we will be ready to move in. It's a little nerve wracking. When I get nervous I shop. Bad habit. So Ebay. Better than going downstairs at work to browse JCrew.. at least with Ebay it is cheap and there is a huge chance that I will lose.. sad for me but happy for Stephen who is trying to curtail my nervous habits. Today I took on another one.. a bad one actually. I ate an entire sleeve of Fig Newtons at my desk. The whole thing.. gone. I bought it today to be snack for the rest of the week. Yeah, no. Just today. Yikes.
Salad for dinner.
I also have a summer cold. Lovely. I have never had allergies but whether these are them or in fact the summer cold I have self diagnosed.. its no fun. I had to show my ID and get some Advil Cold and Sinus at Duane Reade today. Welcome to the 21st century. Thanks to the MethHeads of the world we can't even grab a quick decongestant without filling out a form and swearing to our age. "Yes ma'am, I am in fact 28 years old and if you sell me this little red box I promise I will only make enough Meth for my personal use." Bitter ? Me ? I really tried not to be.. but then the woman took forever to fill out the form and the guy behind me kept inching up to see what I was doing until he was literally staring over my shoulder, so close I could feel his breath on my neck. Sick. I should have sneezed on him. I kept giving him dirty looks.. but he didn't seem to care. Too preoccupied by my all too interesting purchase of St. Ives body wash and the controlled substance formerly known as Advil Cold and Sinus.
So all in all.. nothing new. We are still waiting to hear. The one good thing in the waiting so far.. we are getting more and more excited about the move.. loving Brooklyn as much as ever but starting to get antsy to start a family.. the stress of that long discussed topic melting into a sweet anticipation. Much love ya'll.