Monday, July 03, 2006

Trenton Bridge Lobster Pound

one of the best things about being in Maine is the lobster. its good and cheap and all over the place! one of my dad's Harley buddies told him about this place when we went last year and it was the best lobster we had the entire trip. the Trenton Bridge Lobster Pound. naturally i wanted to make it my first stop when we got there. you go in a choose your lobster ( i couldn't do it.. wimpy i know..) and they put it in this mesh bag that has a number on it and take it out to those big cooker looking things outside and toss it in. its cooked in the sea water with sea weed so its perfectly seasoned. a big ol' lobster with corn on the cob and a cold can of Coke. nothing could be finer! strange enough, while we were there we ran into a whole group of people from Chapel Hill! Stephen heard their accents and made some comment about NC and i said something about how not everyone who has a southern accent is from NC and then.. they came up and asked him about the High Point t-shirt he was wearing and introduced themselves as being from Chapel Hill.. small stinkin' world!
anyway Carolinians aside, the weather was so clear and sunny and the cool breeze off the water does good things for an appetite that has lately been absent.

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