..hold your breath for a few seconds after accidentally having to walk through someone's sneeze cloud ?
..feel that a 15 minute walk to the CVS on Lexington and 53rd, and a stop to pick up a hamburger and fries at GoodBurger constitutes a decadent lunch break ?
..wish that ChapStick only came in Strawberry Flavor ?
..tear up every time you see a fire fighter, police officer, or member of the armed forces in uniform ?
..think that Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is the most romantic and inspiring film since you watched Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken when you were 13 ?
..wish that you were sitting next to Stephen up there on that boulder watching the waves crash in Maine ?
I do.
Oh my goodness YES!!! TO all of it!
Especially sitting by my bug-a-boo watching waves crash... (with you too of course :-) )
Love you guys!
I loved Wild Hearts more than anything. I must have watched it 20 times...
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