Stephen and I were laying low this weekend. So if you tried to reach us via email or phone and you haven't heard back from us yet, don't fret. We were just being a little anti-social and tomorrow will be back to normal as we jump into the post long weekend work week.
Saturday we went to the New Museum on Bowery in SOHO ( Not sure where they came up with the name but it is actually a new art museum in the area. Stephen went to the opening with our friend Matt but I hadn't been yet. Actually I have not been to see any new art in quite some time. Can't remember the last time I was in Chelsea. This is a real shame since this is the time of year to go. The galleries are full of fantastic shows and I am missing out. I need to get my act together.
What I am going to say about the New Museum might sound harsh but it was my impression so here goes. Overall I have to say I would give it a C. First off the space itself is small. That I don't mind so much because you can get through it quickly. There is one elevator - one. Since waiting for this elevator could take as long as a trip through the whole museum the smart choice is to take the stairs, which are super narrow, steep, and packed with people (this could just be my tired pregnant side talking). There is a terrace on the 7th floor that is open all of the time and it is pretty refreshing to step out there and get some fresh air after scaling the stairs. The whole place felt like it was built in a month. You know that feeling when you walk into a pre-fab home filled with IKEA wares ? Felt like that. Plastic, impermanent, temporary, fragile and cheap. Couple that with the fact that they had Thomas Hirschhorn collage up and you might wonder why I didn't just turn around and leave after being handed my ticket. In case you didn't know, I despise Thomas Hirschhorn's work. Despise, hate. Anyone who makes art with photos and images of disemboweled war and suicide victims .... I just can't relate and don't want to. If you have never seen any of it feel free to Google him but I won't put a link on my site.
The rest of the show was like any other group show you might see. Some work was fantastic, other pieces dull and lifeless, still others trying too hard. There was some really good work and it was refreshing to be in that atmosphere again (despite my harsh criticism of the museum's construction). There were dirty art kids everywhere and loads of interesting conversations going on. I guess I never realized what a museum snob I am. I really like the solid, stoic feeling of MoMA and The Whitney, The Museum of Natural History and The Met. I like feeling like the building has been there much longer than I have been alive and will remain there long after I am gone. I need to work on my respect factor for new establishments. The New Museum is probably totally green construction or something - which is admirable. Maybe this is just all pregnancy hormones talking.
Really loved that terrace.
Exterior shot
Just from what you wrote I'm with you on the museum thing...the exterior shot alone makes it look rather unappealing to me. Jeremy, on the other hand, thought it looked great. Not the first time we've disagreed on something! ~Michelle
Somebody's glowing...
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