Sunday, December 14, 2008


Last night, dressed in our favorite bibs from MKD and L, we started a new chapter in our journey to be big girls. 

Since we have been practicing taking our vitamins from a spoon for awhile now, we swallowed the cereal right down and though this was a new texture for us, most of the new food stayed in our mouths. 

I think Ada enjoyed the experience a little more than Margot. 

Though she ate pretty well for a first try, Margot just didn't seem to be as into the whole idea. 

Fun fact about their personalities. Both can roll over now and Ada can roll from front to back and back to front. Yet during tummy time, Ada, in moments of frustration will cry and remain on her tummy flapping her limbs and protesting. Margot, on the other hand, when frustrated with tummy time...will roll over and hang out on her back :) She has figured out how to put her new skill to a practical use. I think it's just so funny how differently they think. 


Summer said...

Wow, they are so precious. I love that first picture of Margot--hilarious. What sweet (and oh-so-beautiful) girls you guys have!

Christa said...

You go girls, first stop rice stop, the world!! Love to you all!!

Tracy said...

yummy, just wait til they get the beans and carrots...its a beautiful sight! Love you guys, they are so precious...I'm dying to get a hold of them!