..smiling babies in the kitchen..
...making chocolate chip cookies with Mama on a cold and gray day..
..a small girl in a pink shirt helping to make said cookies.
Boone is friends who greet you on the porch when you arrive after 10pm with sleeping babies. It's friends who hug you tight and help you set up your twin cribs .. help you put your babies down to sleep in their own room..that they let you stay in while they camp out in the guest room.. it's friends who share their homemade dinner with you after they have helped to unload your car.. friends who prepare the most delicious food imaginable.. who make pancakes with bacon in them for breakfast.. who keep a hot pot of coffee going at all times.. who stay up after all the babies have gone to bed to drink a few beers, talk passions, and kick your tail at Wii. Boone is familiar belly laughs and comfortable silences. A place where Oliver can run free and chase field mice. Boone is our haven. We love you guys.
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