Have you ever thought about what you would do if you won the lottery? Of course you have. If you haven't then you are a humble non-materialistic masterpiece and I admire you from afar.
I have all sorts of plans for what I would do if I came into a large sum of money. Mostly that have to do with paying off debt, family debt, and then making sure that my family is taken care of for the rest of our days.. good investments .. that sort of responsible nonsense. I am a saver.. it's in my nature. There are moments though when I think about what I would do if I didn't have to worry about the balance of my checking account as much as I do. These thoughts seem to strike me when I am feeling particularly indulgent while going about the functions of my daily life. For instance, I was cleaning the house yesterday and as I did my quick wipe down of the bathroom with my Method Bathroom Wipes that smell like eucalyptus and mint, I was suddenly so thankful that I can afford this little delicacy. It makes me feel so fresh and happy to smell a newly cleaned bathroom. Then I went on to clean the bathroom mirror. I have been using the same bottle of Mrs. Meyers Lemon Verbena glass cleaner for over a year now. It came from the mother of one of Stephen's students and she also sent hand soap, shower spray, and a bar of soap in the same scent. I have not been able to afford to keep us in Mrs. Meyers hand soap but I certainly enjoyed it while it lasted and I just recently finished off that bar of soap. I have, however, determined that when I have run out of the glass cleaner I will make certain to replace it. I always clean the mirror very last in my bathroom cleaning routine and each and every time I spray this refreshingly scented non-toxic cleaner I feel revitalized. I find myself feeling so thankful for the bottle that I own.. and my mind skips to a parallel universe where I am able to purchase Mrs. Meyers products exclusively with absolutely no thought as to the cost. Mrs. Meyers cleaning products make me feel like a millionaire. This inevitably leads me to ponder what else I would love to be able to purchase in abundance at will. My eyes glaze over as I think about endless supplies of raspberries and ripe mangoes , coconut milk ice cream (coconut flavor) and all the Hugo Naturals Geranium Effervescent Bath Salts and matching lotion I could possibly use... enough to take two baths a day for as long as I felt like it. I imagine a bottomless container of Trader Joe's laundry detergent and enough dark chocolate covered cranberries to fill a wash tub. Soft cotton sheets. These are the things that make me feel decadent. Things that I am blessed enough to find in my every day.. not always... but when they do turn up.. I feel like a millionaire. I find it interesting that I don't long for new clothes, movies, music, electronic gadgets, all the books I could read.. shoes.... I'm sure I could find plenty of things to spend money on if I had it to burn but things that I can experience seem to top the list when my mind wanders in that direction.
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