Today I did something that I am a little shy to admit too but in the spirit of keeping myself distracted until Wednesday .. I am gonna let ya'll in.
Today, I decided to buy myself a present. I had seen this great summer perfume at Anthropologie a long while ago. It is called "Woman in Yellow". This is, in fact, what stopped me buying it the first go round. I will not be one of those chicks who buys perfume at stinkin' Anthropologie, and I certainly won't be one who wears a scent with such a gosh awful cheese ball name like that!!!! Forget it. Well... I couldn't. I don't have a summer scent and I have started to tire of my winter ones, too heavy for the heat. I digress. I went to Anthropologie at lunch today and (gulp) purchased "Woman in Yellow". Here's were the story gets a little more.. original. The girl at the counter was going on and on about how pretty the bottle was and such, and then she asked me if it was a present and would I like a box. And I said.. yes! I knew it was a present for myself, but I hate it when people say that to check out people. I don't know why. So I said it was a present and left it at that. She wrapped it up safe in the perfect little box and gave me that cute little bird tag with that colorful green string. When I got back to my desk.. I carefully tied up the little box in the string and set it in my bag to open later. So there you have it.. pretty silly I guess but it was just what I needed today. I opened it with Stephen just moments ago and modeled my new scent for him. He approves. Sometimes it's just nice to have something to be excited over.. that was my hope/wish/prayer for today and I am happy with the result.
In other news.. here are 3 things that were irritating today.
1) People staring at my sunburned shins.
I am very fair and every summer since I was a teenager I have struggled over laying out to burn/tan or just embracing my fair complexion. Last summer, I finally came to grips with my true self. I stayed fair and loved it. This year I wanted to do the same .. but I burned the heck out of my shins in Maine. Yes, I forgot to put on sunscreen. Duh. It looks like I am wearing rust colored shin guards now and there is nothing I can do short of applying self tanner for the rest of the summer (ick) or burning the rest of my legs (healthy?). Today was the first day I actually ventured to work in a short dress that showcased my shins. Damn it people!! Mind your own business!! How do you know I wasn't in some massive chemical accident and scarred for life when I was 14.. doomed to sport red shins for eternity?!?! huh??? Several times today I found myself biting my tongue to keep from saying in a loud obnoxious voice "Yeah! I got sunburned!! What? WHAT!!!" So I am a little sensitive today.. What? WHAT!!!! :)
2) Manhattan once overs
Dude. Keep your eyes to yourself will ya?? You too lady! Check out my outfit then my hair and my face.. then my shoes and my face again.. boobs.. face. Butt.. face. Seriously man, I can SEE YOU!!! A little respect. That goes for my homeys in the neighborhood. Honestly.. every time you call me "Mah-Mi" followed by "Sexy" and a string of Spanish that I have no hope of understanding I just want to drag you back to my apartment and commit illicit acts with you all afternoon (sarcasm alert)!! Wow.. what a turn-on to be heckled on the sidewalk every single stinkin' morning I walk to the subway. Frankly it doesn't threaten me.. I do not feel unsafe.. just embarrassed .. CONSTANTLY embarrassed for YOU, dude. A leering smile would be sufficient.
3) Isabelle's Mom
Listen lady, I know I don't have kids yet but I am gonna do some back-seat-parenting right now. I had my iPod up as high as I felt was safe and I could still hear your kid screaming about wanting her "Chocolate Milky NOW!!!!" If my kid ever tells me they want ANYTHING "NOW!!!" it won't be pretty. You were calm, you tried to reason with her, telling her the rest of us on the R train didn't want to hear her being so loud. You reminded her that she had an icy pop at her friend's house just then and didn't she like that better than chocolate milk? Then you gave her an ultimatum. If she didn't get it together by the time you counted until (wait for it) TEN.. she was going to lose her chocolate milk privileges. You reminded her you were giving her a "nice long count" twice before you started your slow verbal accent to the big 1_0. Again I say.. a little respect hon. Don't let your 3 year old treat you like that ! I respect your efforts but honestly.. stiffen up. Sometimes a kid needs a little discipline. Don't let your kid talk down to you lady.. she is the kid remember?
With that I will close for this evening. Here's hoping tomorrow I can come up with 3 things that make me smile about my environment. No word yet on Sarasota guys.. counting down until Wednesday. Please pray with us. We only want what He wants.
Ha Ha... I can't wait until you have a three old!
I knew I was asking for that comment when I wrote that paragraph. Yes, I know kids can be tough.. nevertheless.. kids should not be allowed to be demanding of their parents and parents shouldn't take that kind of behavior from their kids. She neven even used a firm tone.. just that wispy touchy feely parent tone. It just wasn't right. Furthermore ...Identify thineself, thou cowardly blog stalker!!!!
sarah, i too have no children. i appearantly have said "if that was my kid..." enough times that one of my friends here in raleigh (who has a 9 and a 6 year old) says I should write a book. and write it now while i still have my wits about me. granted the statement "if that was my kid..." is usually followed by something drastic that i doubt i could ever do, but still it's fun. for instance, putting invisible fence collars on kids so that don't run out in the street. it's for their safety after all...
oh..."Julie" is Julie Sessoms. I do hope you and Stephen are doing well. I've been looking through old Vineyard photos recently...and if you have joined the megapolis of facebook...let me know...there are some on there.
Hey Jules!
Glad to see I am not the only one that enjoys speculative parenting :)
We are doing well. Not on Facebook as of yet. Stephen is on MySpace. Are there a lot of Vineyard alum on Facebook?
we're getting some. there are a lot of "kids" that have groups...but they are all people I don't know (and you and stephen probably wouldn't know). so we created an "Old Skool Vineyard" group. Katie & Ryan, Erin Kennedy, Courtney Edwards & Preston & Patterson, Jack Page, Jeff Finch, Jennifer Powell, Carolyn Crutchfield, Berkley, Weezie, Callie, Griffenhagens, Schoolfield, Carson, Wes Tubel...just to name a few. You really should join...just for a look at old pictures :)
Wow!! Sounds nice. Maybe we will :) How do you go about it?
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