So you all remember that beautiful, long, curly head of hair that Stephen has been sporting this winter..? Meet the new interview ready "do". He loves when I try to take pictures of him to put on here, can't you tell? Stephen is headed to NC for an interview at a school down there on Wednesday (all expenses paid by the school) so we decided it was time for the hair to go. It was so much fun while it lasted :( These pictures were stolen right after he got out of the post home hair cut shower so though you can't see it in it's fully dried glory.. you get the idea. I have been cutting Stephen's hair since my first visit to Sarasota when we were dating lo those many years ago. I remember being flabbergasted and pretty terrified that day when he handed me a pair of paper scissors and casually asked if I would cut his hair before we went to the studio. I was so afraid he would turn out looking like a badly shaved poodle or something, I even called Mary to get a tutorial over the phone (she had been cutting his hair up until that point). Thankfully it turned out great and the rest is history. His hair, unlike my own, is super easy to cut and pretty hard to mess up (though I have messed it up a couple of times over the years...). It's so thick and curly that the texture pretty much hides any potential scissor slip ups..anyway.. looks pretty good right ?
We are pretty psyched about the interview that sparked this visit to the Sarah McCann Salon. The actual interview is an all day affair on Thursday so if you think of him that day please say a little prayer for peace, confidence, and a clear mind.. and whatever else you might think would be a help.
The weather was beautiful today and we spent it outdoors. I am still having trouble with my hip being painful but if I walk pretty slow and take smaller steps it's not bad at all. This is a lot harder than it sounds though.. particularly during the week when I am at work. I keep getting run down in the concourse when I venture down there for my "Yogurt and Green Onion" chips to go with my peanut butter sandwich at lunch.
I had a gift certificate to Barnes and Nobles (from the associates at the firm - holiday present this year) that I have been meaning to spend so we headed to the one in the village, near the West 4th stop. I wanted to get a good book on twins and after thumbing through the 3 they had in stock I decided on the one in the above picture. It's super informative, full of practical tips, and has a lot of really interesting information and records about multiples. For instance.."The world's most prolific mother, in Russia, reportedly gave birth to 69 children from 29 pregnancies. Between 1725 and 1765, she delivered a total of 16 pairs of twins, 7 sets of triplets, 4 sets of quadruplets and 2 singletons." Honestly, I think that I would have turned to celibacy after the 3rd set of twins.
While we were in the neighborhood, we decided to get Pinkberry and, on the way there, passed the little weekend street fair on Bleeker. Our favorite lady was there, selling her bakelite wares. Last year, Stephen bought me some of her silverware and an ice cream scoop for Christmas. We were shooting the breeze with her and fingering through the cookie cutters when I spotted a bakelite baby spoon. "Do you have a baby?" she asked. "Actually, two on the way." I said, patting the bulge under my coat. Turns out she had exactly two baby spoons and two baby forks!! I saw the price on one and immediately started to put it back when she offered to sell them to us, all four pieces, for less than the price of the one in my hand. When I asked her if she was serious, her response was "You're having twins!!!!! You have just made me so happy!!" Consequently we are now the proud owners of bakelite baby ware. We only use our bakelite silverware on special occasions or when having a treat like late night ice cream. I can't wait to set the table for a special dinner and be able to give the babies their own special utensils that are just like mommy's and daddy's.. only smaller :)
I bought a dress at Motherhood a few weeks ago and they gave me a little gift, mother starter pack thing. It had an infant bottle in it. I set it out on top of the bread box today just to see what it felt like to have baby things sitting around. The sight of it makes both of us smile.
Here is the belly today. Though I am still wearing my regular clothes (unzipped jeans held up courtesy of my "Bella Band" - Thanks Nicole!), Chang and Eng are doing their best to grow gigantic and alter my center of balance. I already have a slight waddle going (yikes). Not quite halfway yet!!!
While I was flipping through the twin book in B&N today, I came upon the section on co-sleeping and was scanning the notes on letting the twins sleep together in the same bed while they are small. They reasoned that they had shared a uterus and typically are happier and more settled sleeping together. I started to explain this little tidbit to Stephen, who was standing nearby, when I burst into tears. The thought of those sweet little babies cuddling together, of the eternal bond they are developing even now was just too much to take in that moment. I just wanted to protect it, protect that bond, protect their tiny relationship. The idea that they already have a connection that strong is so special to me.
Totally Random Note:
This morning, in the shower, I noticed that I still have a little burn scar on my leg that I got 2 years ago. This scar is, in fact, a cigarette burn on the back of my right thigh and I got it while searching for my ride home from Abigail's birthday party in the village. I was walking, arm in arm, with Abby ..while talking on my cell phone to Nathan who was parked somewhere in the vicinity, there to pick me up in Stephen's absence. Abby was smoking and when she tried to share her cigarette with me, by placing it..or attempting to place it directly in my mouth while I was talking to Nathan, it fell out and somehow managed to fall right down my shirt and subsequently, down my jeans which lead to me squealing and jumping around screaming "I'm on fire!! I'm on fire!!" into the phone, while smacking at the leg of my jeans. Sigh. Poor, sweet, patient Nathan. Something tells me I won't be having these sorts of adventures after August 26th.
I have been listening to the hits of Michael Jackson for the duration of this post.. Billy Jean is not my lover... but it sure is one heck of a kick ass song.