Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Belly's getting bigger. 

Craving berries, any kind will do. Strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries.... I know they aren't in season but wherever they are getting them from around here.. they are ripe and fresh and I can't get enough! Yesterday we had a catering tasting at work and they brought ... a berry salad!!!!!! I ate two bowls full. They brought fresh whipped cream to go with them but who wants that ??!?! It would cover up some of the berry taste!!!

Have a lot more energy these days, even helping with dinner lately instead of collapsing after getting home from work. Hormones are pretty nuts though. Mood swings are not only severe, but the lows are really hard to climb out of. The stress of our currently nebulous job/life situation doesn't help anything. Going to Babies R Us last week to register threw me into a 2 day tailspin. Overwhelming doesn't begin to describe it. How can I decide which 2 cribs, swings, high chairs... etc.. to register for when I don't even know where we are going to live.. hmm...and then there was the news on taxes this year.. yup.. we owe.. again. Spending time with new friends seems to be the best tonic for these scary moments. Thank goodness there are plenty to go around. Wish we could take them all with us when we go. At least there are more good days than bad and feeling these little babies moving around seems to overshadow it all with a sense of awe and wonder. 


Ellen said...

Hugs. Many, many hugs... Just register for anything you think you might need, and you can always take it back later. At least this way you have a receipt, and you can exchange if you find you don't need it. Sorry about the taxes. More hugs.

Anonymous said...

I was so excited to see another picture. Just today I was thinking I want to see Sarah and the babies. Lots of baby! Wow.
Love you,

Tracy said...

You look sooooo good! Time is flying right? Praying for Stephen's job interview. In HIS time...God mercies are new every day. Love you guys...all "4" of you!