Monday, July 28, 2008


Today was awesome. I spent pretty much all day visiting. Mom was here in the morning and stayed until after Stephen got home from work this afternoon. Ellen stopped by around lunch time to bring a load of consignment clothes for me to sift through and I found some awesome stuff (good thing she knows my taste in clothes). Then our buddy Julie came over for a little outdoor sittin' and chicken pie eatin',  and Matt and Kristen stopped by to drop off some videos to break up the monotony of my daily DVD viewing. It has been a super good time of togetherness with some awesome food thrown in for good measure. 

The girls have been pretty quiet today and I feel like they might only get quieter as they grow over the next few days. When they do move I feel sorry for their little limbs as they try to stretch and flail. Soon enough they will have plenty of room to flail around in. 

Stephen is working tomorrow but then he will be home for the rest of the time before the babies come. We are trying to really spend as much quality time together as possible. What we would really like to do is go see The Dark Knight at the IMAX theater.. just waiting for a that moment when the girls are not squeezing me to death and I actually feel like sitting in a theater for an extended amount of time. REALLY hoping that day might come soon... there have been a couple of those days recently but alas we had other obligations on those days. Anyway, it's really nice having him home so I am super glad he has decided to take it easy this week and spend some time with us. Oliver is particularly pleased that his Papa will be home.. since this is his last week of being an only child :)

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